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Friday, September 4, 2015

How to make money with a Web Hosting Account, WordPress and Google Adsense

How to make money with a Web Hosting Account, WordPress and Google Adsense

Step-by-Step: How to make money with WordPress and Google Adsense
Pretty simple, at least in theory. By creating a web site and adding Google's free Adsense ads to your pages, people click on the ads. Each click generates a commission, which is tallyed up and at the end of the month by Google, who then sends you a commission check. Sounds great... doesn't it? Not so fast cowboy! There are a few steps involved. Actually, there are several steps involved to generating income on the Internet with Adsense ads. But it is doable. This article will summarize the steps needed to setup a web site using WordPress hosting and add Google's Adsense code to your pages -- ready to be clicked so you can receive a monthly check from Google. Hey, what's better than mailbox money? So, let's get started...

Why do I care about this article?

Wouldn't it be nice if you had a machine in place that generated automated income? Wouldn't it be nice if that income were mailed to you each month, without fail, from a company as reliable and stable as Google? Wouldn't it be nice if you spent your time building an asset that is "yours"? Yes - Yes - Yes, you say? Well, then, this article is for you. The reason you care is because this article lays out the steps needed to make money. Each month Google sends out commission checks to its publishers through its program called Adsense.
There are close to 130 million web sites on line at the moment and every day, 6,000 new web sites launch, creating entrepreneurs by the thousands. The world wide web is a great way to take control of your professional life (you're the boss) or to add a few bucks to your household income each month while you keep your day job.
This article lists the three steps needed to setup a WordPress blog and add Google Adsense ads to the pages to produce commission income from the clicks generated.
This is a monthly commission check from Google in the amount of $302.04. Google pays its publishers each month, without fail.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on their web site pages. Commission checks are sent out once per month. Nice!

Step 1: Create a Web Site.

A web site launch is exciting and cause for celebration – if you do it right. If you don't do it right, your pixel-based dream biz will end up on the trash heap along with millions of other sites built on a dream but launched on a prayer. For this reason, we recommend WordPress for you to use in this exercise. It is easy to use, fast and inexpensive.

What is Word Press?


Create your web site or blog with Word Press. Here's how...

Many web hosting providers offer free installation of Word Press blog software through theirweb hosting control panel that is offered with most web hosting accounts. Now lets get started with your Word Press installation...

How do I get Word Press?

When you sign up for a web hosting account, you will be sent a "New Account" email within minutes upon placing your order. Follow the instructions to login to your control panel. Word Press is included for free and is easy to use. For those that do not want to re-invent the wheel, there are a plethora of Word Press templates that can be implemented on your web site.
Click the Fantastico link to install the library of free applications included with your account.
Once you have successfully installed the Fanstastico library of applications, you will see a screen with a long list of free applications. Click the Word Press link.
Next, you will need to install the Word Press link by clicking "new installation". It's that easy!

How do I use a Word press theme?

It's easy. WordPress Theme system is a way to "skin" your web log. Yet, it is more than just a "skin." Skinning your site implies that only the design is changed. WordPress Themes can provide much more control over the look and presentation of the material on your web site.

Selecting a New Theme for your Word Press blog

1. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel.
2. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
3. From the Available Themes section, click on the Theme title (or Theme screen shot) for the Theme you wish to activate.
4. A preview of the Theme will be shown.
5. To activate the Theme click the Activate "Theme Name" link in the top right. Your selection should immediately become active.

Step 2: Add Google's Adsense Ads to your Web Site.

WordPress is an easy to use content management system (CMS) that provides the tools needed to create a web site. The back-end of your WordPress blog is called the "Back end System" and is usually accessed by the following URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin. Templates allow for easy design of your pages. Plugins allow easy modification, customization, and enhancement to a WordPress blog. Instead of changing the core programming of WordPress, you can add functionality with WordPress Plugins. We are going to explain how to add Google's Adsense code to your pages using a WordPress Plugin.
WordPress structure

WordPress Plugins for Google Adsense

There are a plethora of WordPress plugins that make installing your Google Adsense code easy. In fact, there are too many to mention. But we have attempted to find the most popular and include them in this article. Choose one that you like best then install the plug in on your WordPress blog.

Google Adsense WordPress Plugins

Listed below are 7 best Adsense plugins which help you work smarter with wordpress.
  • Adsense Deluxe – offers advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. Easily switch all AdSense ads to a new color scheme across the entire site.
  • Adsense Injection – inserts Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog. Takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let's you pick how many to show on single post pages.
  • AdRotator WordPress Plugin – rotates your Adsense ads with other affiliate programs like Chitika Eminimalls wherever you want. Helps to reduce "ad blindness" and test different ad formats and affiliate programs.
  • Adsense Earnings WordPress Plugin – displays your adsense earning details within wordpress admin panel.
  • AdSense Manager – is a WordPress plugin for managing AdSense ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.
  • AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System – allows you to view your adsense earnings and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors.
  • Google Ad Wrap – wraps posts and comments inside Section Targeting tags for better targeted ads.

Installation of a Plugin in WordPress:

  1. Unzip and Upload the folder ‘WP-Simple-Adsense-Insertion' to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Get your Google Adsense code then paste it into your plugin. Your Google Adsense ads should now display on your WordPress pages.

Get your Google Adsense code:

Google Adsense get code
  1. Create a free account at adsense.google.com
  2. Login to your account and click "My Ads".
  3. Create an ad, then click "Save and get code" - copy the code, then right-click with your mouse and choose "copy". Return to step #3 (above in the "Installation of a Plugin in WordPress") to paste the Adsense code into the WordPress plugin of your choosing.

Step 3: Your live! Now get started promoting your blog.

Now that you have your WordPress blog setup with your web hosting provider and you have the WordPress plugin for Adsense installed with the code from Google, you are ready to start generating traffic. Write - write - write! The more original, quality content that you add to your blog, the better. Keep in mind that Google does not allow publishers to click on their own ads or ask others to click on their ads. But you can create as much quality content as you like. Write about what you know. Write about what is useful. Write about current events. But most of all -- write consistently, and write articles that are useful. In time, you will build a following of visitors to your blog web site that will see your Google ads and click on them. It takes time, but it is something that is worthy of your time. You are building a valuable piece of Internet real estate that can generate income through Google's Adsense program.
All the work and energy that you put into your blog web site adds up to value – goodwill value for your new web site visitors. And when you stop to think about why you are busting your butt to build this blog

Adsense Turnkey Websites - Are Worth Their Money ?

Adsense Turnkey Websites - Are Worth Their Money ?

As it becomes more and more difficult to earn money with Affiliate marketing, earning money with Adsense is back. What is the most easiest way for a newbie to start an online business ?? Right: Adsense. You don't have to deal with customers. Do you know why a lot of people are hesitant to start an online business? Yes, because they fear to handle customers complaints and refunds etc. What do you think is the second big hurdle people are having problems with making money online.

They think they need to sell and are not sure where to get inventory from. Guess what, with Adsense you don't need to worry about inventory, storage, delivery etc. In simple words: Your write - You upload - You Earn ! You can simply start a blog, for example Blogger.com or Wordpress.com offer easy to use blogs. You can then start writing and adding content regularly. By doing this you will earn money from your Adsense ads you have incorporated into your site. Or you could start a directory, article or a big portal website. People add THEIR content to YOUR site and you are in business. But be aware that setting up those big directories is time intensive and costly. An alternative could be to purchase some Adsene-Ready Turnkey websites. You can simply modify one file with your Adsense code, and all article content pages automatically show Adsense ads with your code. You can then simply upload and advertise your article content pages. You will be surprised how easy it is to make money with Adsense.

And you don't have to worry if you have chosen the right words, sales copy etc. If you funnel your traffic it's almost impossible not making any money with Adsense. Some people might think that Ready-To-Go Adsense site are a problem for search engines as they could show some duplicate content. I have another opinion about duplicate content. If I look for a specific article I want to read and I search Google, do you think this article comes up only once? No way. For example: Some time ago I have written an article and submitted to huge number of article directories. If the myth of duplicate content would hold true I would only find my article on one site or directory. But this article has been distributed through more than 7,000 different sites all over the internet. So, does Google still index 'duplicate content'. Sure Google does it - Big times. If Google would not index any duplicate content sites, thousands of article directories would be immediately out of business. And look at the trend !

Every day new article submission sites are born and all what they do is to show duplicate content. And do you think they earn with Adsense? You bet they are, otherwise they wouldn't have started this business in the first place. So, if you use a combination of Ready-to-go Adsense Turnkey sites and an article directory, you simply can't fail earning money with Adsense.

Make Easy Money from Your Parked Domains with Google AdSense for Domains

Make Easy Money from Your Parked Domains with Google AdSense for Domains

According to a poll done by Problogger a while ago most AdSense publishers, about 30%, make less than $10 a month whilst the second highest amount of AdSense sites (20%) earn up to $500 a month.
There are however around 5% who earn more than $10,000 a month from Google's magic AdSense program.
This should give us AdSense publishers a lot of encouragement when you think that it is entirely possible to make $10,000 a month from AdSense as there are people making that kind of money every month.
So whilst these kind of earnings are a reality, to make this kind of money you need to ask yourself the following questions;
  • How much do you want to make from AdSense?
  • How hard are you willing to work to achieve this?
  • How much time are you willing to spend working the Google AdSense program?
If you can honestly answer "whatever it takes" or something to that effect & you are willing to commit yourself to working towards that monthly AdSense earning figure then you may have a chance of actually achieving it.
Factors That May Influence Your AdSense Revenue
  • Topic & Number of Sites

  •  popular topics such as photography or web design where you can be assured of enough demand & advertisers for Google to serve up AdSense ads on your sites.
    A topic for which there is little or no demand will not have enough advertisers for Google to provide your site with AdSense ads.
  • Earnings Per Click
    The higher your AdSense earnings per ad click the less clicks you will require to reach your revenue target.
    Therefore ensure that your content is rich with high paying keywords so that you get AdSense ads that will produce higher earnings per click - sometimes just 1 click can generate as much as $5.00 whereas many clicks will only make $0.01c.
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
    The higher your CTR the higher your earnings for a particular number of site visitors.
  • Website Traffic
    All other things being equal, more traffic will generate more revenue
  • Relevant Ads
    If the ads Google serves up are not relevant to your site's content your site visitors will be unlikely to click on them as they won't be to do with what attracted them to your site.
To sum up, the amount of money you make from AdSense = CTR + Traffic Volume + Ads with High Paying Keywords + Relevant Ads